Rejected Submissions for Seventeen Magazine's 'Daily Traumarama'

My take on Dede Preno’s genius work. As I am a teenage girl, Seventeen’s trauma(rama) hits too close to home. Instead, enjoy the middle-aged edition!

Troubling experience today. Margie’s cat died - so sad - and I went to post a comment on the FaceBook. Well, apparently commenting “Rest In Peace, Whiskers. A loss for the community! LOL” does NOT mean what you’d think! Turns out ‘LOL’ has nothing to do with ‘Lots of Love.’ No thanks to the meshugenah who told me that - yet another reason not to trust the goys. Apology note will be written ASAP (as soon as possible, right? Just checking) Blaming it on menopause and early onset, am I right ladies? - Elaine, 54, Merrick

The Crazy Shrink - A Short Script

Under Attack