The following is an article I wrote while attending the NECIR Journalism program at BU. This topic is one that I a very interested in and wanted to share on this website.
On June 10th, dozens of ralliers gathered in front of the Massachusetts State House to speak up in support of the inclusion of four key provisions to protect immigrants in the FY2019 state budget.
The four key provisions, if passed, would ensure increased safety and stability for immigrants living in Massachusetts. These provisions would halt unnecessary police inquiries, abolish collaborations between local police and ICE, enforce the knowledge of Miranda rights to immigrants and permit the refusal to contribute in any discriminatory registry, according to the Massachusetts Immigration and Refugee Advocacy Coalition.
Chelsea resident Yassina Alforo described how many immigrants in her community fear simple activities such as dropping their children off at school because of the constant threat of ICE agents.
Because of recent collaborations of local police and ICE agents, the bond built between immigrants in Chelsea and the local police has been “undermined,” Alforo said. If the provisions are supported by state officials, Alforo believes the relationship between the residents of Chelsea and the local police will mend and overall fear will decrease, allowing for members to be more engaged with the community.
Among the dozens of protesters was Deja Freeman, a young activist from Chelsea, who said that if the provisions were passed, immigrants would feel “more at home.” She believes the provisions would help immigrants in her community, as well as throughout Massachusetts, would have less fear for ICE’s enforcement in the state.
The Hispanic communities have had dramatic drops in domestic abuse reportings, says co-organizer of the event, Rabbi Klein Ronkin. The drop in reporting, caused by a growing fear that law enforcement officials will question their immigration status, was also reported by The Patriot Ledger.